Wow... time escapes you when you are doing something you love.

April was the official starting month for the summer ministry and things did pick up around the office. All the teaching kits came, the organizer was ready to go, back-round checks completed, and the training camp was just around the corner.
Training had taken place in June and we had over 90 teens there from Minnesota and Wisconsin. During training the teens learn how to use their materials, learn how to teach the lessons, and how to share the Gospel. After the two weeks we got down to business teaching clubs in Western Wisconsin.
So, how do I explain 4 months into one post? Different.
Why do I choose the word different? For multiple reasons, one being in the leadership role. During Wisconsin's and Minnesota's CYIA I was a team leader for the two weeks. Even though I had all experienced teens on my team and they all knew what to expect during the two weeks there was still room to grow.
After training things got busy. The week after training there was three clubs scheduled for that week and after that it was one club after another. Being an intern and being more in the leadership role really opened my eyes to how much effort and commitment it takes. I am thankful that I got to be apart of that and to experience that role.
After clubs were over my summer began to get even more crazy. My internship at CEF's international headquarters was going to start. I have no idea yet where this internship will go, but I know this is my next step to what God might be calling me to.
So, how do I explain 4 months into one post? Different.
Why do I choose the word different? For multiple reasons, one being in the leadership role. During Wisconsin's and Minnesota's CYIA I was a team leader for the two weeks. Even though I had all experienced teens on my team and they all knew what to expect during the two weeks there was still room to grow.
After training things got busy. The week after training there was three clubs scheduled for that week and after that it was one club after another. Being an intern and being more in the leadership role really opened my eyes to how much effort and commitment it takes. I am thankful that I got to be apart of that and to experience that role.
After clubs were over my summer began to get even more crazy. My internship at CEF's international headquarters was going to start. I have no idea yet where this internship will go, but I know this is my next step to what God might be calling me to.